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Lately, my big boy Imran very actively kuat memanjat.. which started since he was 1 year old..
A few days ago, he successfully climb our home stairs which is too steep. At that moment, papa was in the bath room and me at the ground floor. Actually, a few minutes before, that incident, me have missed the steps whilst getting down the stair .. ntah kenapa ntah... boleh terjatuh.. but alhamdulilah, tak de jatuh terlentang ke ape.. cuma mengelongsor ke bawah.. hehehe
But then, after a few minutes...Boom.. gedebum... wuaaa... memang kuat la.. mcm nangka busuk jatuh dari pokok.. It's happened to Imran... tapi Imran lagi teruk sbb dia jatuh and terlentang. I believed Imran mesti jatuh tergolek dari anak tangga 7-10 sampai ke bawah. As usual, after a few minutes crying. He started to calm down by sucking his tumb.. Then, after half hour, papa found out that he can't walk...
Kesian Imran... when he tried to stand up on his feet and move his left leg, he failed to move forward. Nak kate bengkak, takde pulak.. Memang kesian Imran. He's a bit tension because he can't walk as usual. He had to crawl in order to go somewhere. And he started to use his baby gym in order to support him standing and move forward. Kene belaja berjalan balik.
Alhamdulilah, nothing serious happened to him as we still haven't registered my children under NHS (for having free medical care).
The reason is we can't find stair gates ( we need at least 3 gates because we're living in 3-storey house) to block the stair for child safety. We already have 1 gate, but it doesn't fit with our stair width which up to 90 cm. That means we can't use normal standard of stair gate which around 70 -80 cm.
I have found the stair gate that match with that width from Ikea. The price for 1 gate is around 20++ pound. So if we must have 3 of gates, waaa... 60 pound for stair gates only... Hmm
By the way, I have watched this item at ebay, and hopefully, we can bid and buy the stair gates around 10 pound..
And so, what is the relation between stair gate and NHS registeration? (sampaikan kene ada stair gate dulu baru leh register ye)
The point is if we already registered to NHS, the staff will come to our house and check all the requirement of safety that should being installed such as the stair gate, socket cover and corner protector..
Even, if we're unlucky, she will enter our bedroom and check whether we have a baby cot for Imran and bed for aisyah as they cannot share bed with us.. adooi.. poning-poning...
They afraid parent akan hempap anak2 time tido sbb mabuk .. hauahu... we're not drinking alcohol la like them leeer... payah betul
So that's why, sampai la ni tak gi register lagi sbb memikirkan kids safety requirement yang perlu ada...tapi belum beli :(
sampi ke gitu NHS belah sana ek?sini idakla seteruk itu.dtg tp tak pernh cek condition umh.gate tu kt sini,normally £5 kalau kt carboot,brandnew memang mhl.
normally kt sini,register je,terus lepas.bab melawat tu kemudian
tuh le... masa kat lboro dulu, takde pulak dengar staff tuh check sampai naik bilik.. tapi kakak yang duduk sama jalan kat notts ni kate dia kene sampai masuk bilik... wuaa... dia kate setiap kali orang tuh nak datang, mesti suami isteri pening kepala.. sbb kene make sure kid safety sume memenuhi requirement.. hmmm.. fobia pun ada.. if kita tak wat? ape jadi ye?
kak wani...
sepanjang saya duk nottingham ni, dah setahun lebih n masa dtg dulu terus register dgn NHS, masa tu Eriem tiga bulan lebih...tp sampai skrg pun xde y dtg umah check w/pun umah sekangkang kera jer dgn mary potter..hehehe...klu akak register dgn NHS, anak2 akan didaftarkan dgn SureStarts..so, klu dah daftar surestarts, bole je minta dgn diorg child safety kits tu...klu ada stok, stair gate pun bole dapat...
just berkongsi ilmu dgn kak wani..sbb penting daftar dgn NHS ni, takot2 sesuatu tjadi kan, kita doa dijauhkan semua tu, tp klu nak jd, hanya Allah yang tau...
mmm.. ntahla.. sbb kakak tuh sama jalan kat sini, takut staf yang check pun sama .. so check sampai ke bilik.. but then, dia kate dia tak dapat pun gate free tuh.. katenye skim tuh dah takde.. wan bulan berapa register NHS tuh? then daftar NHS kat uni ke kat mane?
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