My 26th Birthday

Archive for February, 2007

Wednesday, February 21st, 2007

Oooh I am getting older , lebih suku abad already..and getting fatter too…huh hate the feelings when u can’t wear ur old blouse,skirts, slacks and jeans as well. the suitable attire only the plus plus sizes..waaa tak best langsung..memang tak best langsung jadi XL person ni..

papa n melati celebrating birthday ibu kat Singgah Selalu Restaurant Danga Bay.. fav dish ayam lemon western…yum yum…penah try buat sendiri dgn perah lemon beli kat pasar..hahaha tak jadi..masam gile ada la…

1st birthday greeting dari hubby..12 o’clock sharp…then via sms at 10 am from az and lastly from hana….tunggu2 jugak msg from buddies yang tak penah lupe nak greet (am n azira) sejak zaman skolah…but it’s ok aku selalu gak lupe nak greet birthday diorang…lemah dlm mengingat nombor2 ni :)

Then until today 21 feb..baru enter the cyber world…masuk circle and friendster ..terima banyak birthday greeting daripada kawan2..thanks guys….ingatkan tak best birthday tahun ni..ditambah dengan simpton tak tahan dengan bau-bau yang terlampau wangi n terlampau busuk come again…plus mood malas datang menyerang…menyebabkan hidup tak menyeronokkan langsung….hate these feelings..too lazy

2 Responses to “My 26th Birthday”

  1. nasha Says:

    no 2 coming soon ka?

  2. Amrah Says:


    aku tak wish eh besday ko thn nih?
    sori banget deh…
    cant believe i’ve missed it!


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