New technology - photosynth

My supervisor , Mike always mention about photosynth. He thought this new area could be one of my research context. He even emails his few students about this new tech. He want us to figure out about this new tech. I have tried it. We need to install the plug-in browser.

Actually, it's just like panaroma function in photo editor.. My husband had tried it this function with olympus fe-115 (our first digital camera)...ingat lagi beli kamera itu di angsana, sewaktu me tgh tunggu hari nak bersalin anak pertama...aisyah semata-mata utk tangkap gambar aisyah pertama kalinya...huahauah...the camera still function very well...

Inilah dia gambar pertama melati aisyah..anakku yang kuat sangat menangis la ni! tensen ibu dibuatnye..sbb tuh nak kene carik babysitter jugak ni...pening..pening

gambar pertama Muhamad Khalil Imran....

Pertama kali kak cah jumpa adik imyan...

I just use a set of photos of groceries that we posted from Malaysia...Just for testing... after this, kene carik view menarik sikit utk tunjuk kat supervisor..huahauah

mm...but this research context is related with photogrammetry ..n i hate this kind of topic...I think I have to find other context as I do not want to deal with photogrammetry for these 3 years..wuaa...

cepat-cepat la jumpa research questions yang bersesuaian.. Ya Allah, aku mohon kepadamu, permudahkan ...


Nor Fadzlina Nawi berkata...


Aisyah mcm Aliyah gitu perangai nyer..Kenkadang tu geram pun ader. Sian pun ada, sbb asyik komplen jer knp mama asyik p work teringat kenangan lalu, makku pun begitu. So sometimes to make her happy hv to bring her places, give her a lot of hugs & kisses.

pearl berkata...

kak fadz...aliyah pun kuat nangis jugak ke? aisyah ni sejak duduk sini la isyik menangis je..kalu nak sesuatu tuh, caranye menangis..nak nasi, nak katun, nak tido, nak dukung...sumenye berbunyi nangis tuh..ehek..ehek...tension betul

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