We were having very hectic days for last week, packing items, removing the small items for about 8 times by car and one van trip for heavy stuff to our new home at Hartley Road, Nottingham. We officially reside in Nottingham on Thursday 23rd, though we still have 'Masyarakat Melayu Loughborough' citizenship as my husband still studying there. We already paid for the fee :). By the way, my husband still hold one of the highest capacity in that community.
Lucky for us to have dual citizenship and get to know with nice people from both community, hopefully.
Frankly, I missed our home at 6, buckingham drive, modern house, large backyard, sliding doors, big spaces for my children to play outside (terigat imran suke beno keluar ikut sliding door belakang,panjat tangga and berdiri kat backyard sambil tegak memegang penyapu)and the community, environment which a bit 'kampung' and the warmth and friendly of MML members. Missed the Morrison, Tesco (mane nak carik Beras Apna lepas ni), saturday market, Woolworths, Quorn car boot.....
Back to the real world, I am nottingham resident from now on. Lucky it's just for temporary 3 years. Nottingham, a county for Robin Hood (Patutpun isyik bunyi siren polis je depan rumah, banyak yang jadi Robin Hood kat sini). A big and old town. We're living in 3 storey house in front of Pool and Dart Restaurant and skyrise apartments.Rasa mcm duduk kat KL pun ada :). I can assume our new house is almost a century building. 100 years...fuuh.. as I saw one of the building, a few metres from this house stated 1883 A.D....mak ai...
The best part of our new home, notably;
1. Lowest rent ever, £325 than previous at Lboro, £470. We had use half of our allowance for house rent before. Now, only 1/3. Could spend the money for transportation costs Notts-Lboro.
2. Big bed room space. We can fit single bed and merge it with double divan. So there will no more back bone pain caused by 'merengkot time tido sbb tak cukup space' and there is less possibility for imran utk jatuh katil lagi...the bed is a bit lower than previous.
3. Big kitchen and fully fitted cabinet kerana stock makanan kami begitu banyak sekali.
4. Cooker that performs very well. Api besar. and Oven pun bagus, so takyah tunggu lama for baking.
Tak bestnye tentang rumah ini:
1. Single glazing. Sejuk......
2. Single concrete wall. Even we can hear clearly our neighbour singing in the bathroom and their conversion just really dekat to us. Nasib baik tak paham diorang cakap ape... Aise...and one more, they love to turn on the radio loudly esp when their fav Venezuela song (I guess) on the air... Poning2.. bile habis je lagu tuh, nasib baik diorang pandai slow down balik hmm...
3. On street parking. We have to cross main street to reach our car. A bit payah for mengheret aisyah and imran bile sorang2 kene jaga ...hmm..lucky they are still little untuk pandai membuka pintu rumah, kalu tidak, tak dapat dibayangkan...
4. Next neighbour ada anjing....dah le fence belakang mcm pagar utk sekat kambing je..takut je if anjing tuh melompat ke our yard if anak2 main kat belakang rumah.. Najis..huahaua
4 pros and 4 cons..What is it mean?. We signed a 3 month contract for this new house as we want to make sure we can adapt with the environment. Hopefully, tiada masalah kerana moving out is really suffering and put a lot of stress and energy. Hope tak yah pindah2 lagi....
The Best Briyani Ayam Madu
Bila ada yang rajin collect order,
so menu berbuka puasa smlm dari *Restoran Mahbub Bangsar*
lama btul tk mkn kt restoran ni
hah ramai yg order smlm.....
11 jam yang lalu
Mana gambo rumah baru yg lama tu...
Yelah wani, tempellah gambar sikit..nak tengok umah baru..!patutlah lama tak update blog..bz rupanya yer~
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