For the first time ever, we dined out. Dah le the only worldwide fast food restaurant that serve halal chicken...Nandos' favourite... dulu, memang selalu mengidam nak makan nandos' masa pregnant...craving about the hot peri peri flavour...kat sini dah tak kisah tgk ayam KFC as I've found the instant recipe that likely ayam KFC.. spicy chicken by Sundip brand.
1/4 extra hot chicken with chips and spicy rice (mm..spicy rice tak sedap, baik buat sendiri..ntah ape2 tah rasenye..huahaua)
1/2 mango and lime heat (takde rase mango and lime pun kat chicken tuh...:().tapi sesuai utk kanak-kanak tak tahan pedas..imyan suke...)
1 glass of bottomless (we choose tango orange..sedap..lebih sedap daripada air mirinda malaysia....tambah sampai 3x..)
Note for papa: terima kasih daun keladi, nanti kita gi makan nando's kat notts pula ye papa if we're going to celebrate something :) luv u). For rewarding his full effort after passing his first Viva, he find a new gadget...Papa don't get too addicted with that stuff, ye...remember our 3 years mission..only 3 years...
seronok tgk wani dan anak2 sihat kat sana..sofia sejak dh sekolah mmg pandai..mulut pun cam kak nam kalo bercerita..semoga berjaya mendapat Dr dlm tempoh 3tahun...
pandai gak wani wat kuih, satay, etc..camne 1st beraya di negara orang? akak tgk aisyah dh semakin beso n cantik..imyan pun dh pandai turun katil sendiri...
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