Yesterday, 4 september, we went to the nottingham city again. The main purpose was to look up houses to rent di hyson green area a.k.a forest fields. Very fantastic. Most of the shops there dipunyai oleh pakistanese.. halal meat, groceries, driving school, barber shop, kedai telefon, agent pelancongan, kedai kek, kedai pizza, kedai makan even mereka boleh lepak dgn kedai makan sana pekene teh tarik if not in fasting sungguh...mcm di malaysia la pulak
We found 2 mosque there, the biggest one is fatimiah jamiyah mosque. Sponsored by pak arab tokei minyak kot. The other one is karamia masjid. Katenye masjid ni kiblat salah. For them if the kiblat masih within around 90 darjah menghadap kaabah, boleh dijadikan kiblat. Dengar kata sampai ada perbalahan dgn pak pakistan ttg kiblat di karamia masjid tuh. Hanya Allah yang tahu.
In that area, there is a government free nursery. So aisyah mungkin dah boleh masuk nursery itu, if we stay there. Mesti aisyah suke, ramai kawan. There are a lot of malaysian staying at that area. Banyak-banyak sangat. When we walked around area situ, gi kedai2 pakistan to find the advertisement for rent, sempat berkenalan dgn 2 malaysians yang nak gi ambik anak skolah, kak ros and abang baharudin. Then masa jalan-jalan sana, berlambak nampak org sungguh nampak org muslim di sana... payah nak nampak omputeh kat situ...Sebab itu kot mereka menggelarkan this place ' madinah street'.
One more thing, at the front gate of the primary school, siap ada notice, happy ramadhan lagi. Dengar kate there is a slot for ramadhan which is for muslim student yang puasa, cikgu akan bercerita etc while the others having their lunch...Masa jalan2 di sana, rasa macam masuk dalam movie harry potter, batman etc.. sbb most of the building dah mencecah 100 tahun...siap ada tulis lagi kat bangunan tuh, 1904 etc...mcm tak percaya je...memang rasa mcm masuk dalam movie betul2....
Masa jalan2 di sana, first time ever nampak tram depan mata...nak tangkap gambar, papa kate buat malu je..huhuh...punyela tak penah jumpa tram, wondering, mcm mane if tgh driving terserempak dgn tram...hehehe...ala..buat mcm biasa je...ada driver, diorang boleh slow etc...bukannye mcm monorail etc...hehehe..kelaka betul
Actually before we went there, we stopped by the geography department at Nottingham University for submitting the original transcript to mrs jenny. Unfortunately, she wasn't there. Hmm buat penat je datang jauh2. Alhamdulilah, ada zaifa, one of my junior masa di utm and we are going to have same supervisor. And she's willing to pass it to Jenny.
Playing whilst ibu went to Sir Clive Granger Building
On the way balik, we stopped by the lake side at University Park. Suke beno aisyah nampak duck berenang..menjerit dia..tapi dia sebut...ibu 'bird, bird' hmmm
Very beautiful view, but not the figure of me
Aisyah n the 'bird'
Four of us
She's reading, is it?
With the big birds...taktau name ape..mcm swan pun ada
Bakar & goreng daging tetel + lemak
Biasa menu daging tetel ni org masak asam pedas
tp Chef husband bakar & goreng daging tetel + lemak 😋
kalo aku yg goreng lemak tu ltk extra bawan...
14 jam yang lalu
Boleh tak tolong recommend sekolah-sekolah yang bagus di Hyson Green tu? Mungkin kami pun akan berpindah ke Nottingham. Susah hati kalau tak tahu sedikit sebanyak mengenai Nottingham. Ada ke kelas mengaji? Ramai ke orang melayu kat situ? Lepas sekolah ada aktiviti-aktiviti ke yang boleh diikuti oleh kanak-kanak? I dengar baby sitter mahal sangat. Alternatively, lepas sekolah, kalau tak ada baby sitter, ada ke tempat transit budak? Your assistance is GREATLY APPRECIATED.
I risau lah, nak pindah nih!
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