Today, my life as a postgrad student begins ... as a wife, mommy for 2 children and student...Can I manage it within 3 years without extension? wif hubby that has same mission as well. Who's going to look after Imran n aisyah? Do our take turns plan in nurturing them whilst doing research will perform well? Should we hired somebody from malaysia? but who?
How's bout the new house? It must has off street parking, nearby the university, easy access for riding the free shuttle bus, no heavy traffic jam, ample spaces for my children to play and for us to study at home, reasonable rent as well. Is there any house that meet those? still searching..hmm...we have to find one! asp..somebody already rent this house. How bout us? Can't imagine I am having a situation like Brendon in Shopaholic and Baby ..searching a house to move in or have to sleep on the street ..more easy..just sleep in the car...:(:)
What am I babbling about.. the effect of tiredness because of the induction days
Salam Jumaat 22 Syaaban 1446H
Alhamdulillah kami sekeluarga telah selamat pulang dari Tanah Suci 🥰
Terima kasih semua yang mendoakan untuk kami sekeluarga...
Semoga semua yang sedan...
2 hari yang lalu
Wani aku kagum ngan ko nak sambung belajar lagi ngan anak lagi..ngan kehidupan yang tak biasa kat sana..kan..tapi at least ko still Ok sebab all conversation in english..Chaiyok wani!! Aku doakan ko berjaya yek menggengam master..amin...
Salam Wani..
Ni Ana @ Notts,, dulu ada satu pasangan kat Notts ni yg kedua2nya sambung PhD serentak.. tak salah Ana, si suami (Dr malek) buat PhD in Engineering di Loughborough dan si isteri (Dr Salwani) buat PhD in Computer Science di U.Nottingham.. diorg ni ada 5 orang anak, rasanya kes diorg ni lagi extreme, tp alhamdulillah ke dua2nya telah berjaya dengan baik. Dulu diorg tinggal di nottingham juga. Ana tk berkesempatan berjumpa dgn diorg tp cerita ni ana dgr dari kawan2
waniii... aku pun kagum dgn ko... kuat semangat.. aku doa kan sumenye smooth utk ko sekeluarga... all the best dear, InsyaAllah!
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